※English follows Japanese


私は写真で弓道の普及活動を今まで行なって参りました。生涯、続けていく活動でもあります。ただ、これまでの展示は全て無料で開催してきており、制作費等、諸経費はほぼ自腹で行なってきました。 弓道の写真展をもし有料で開催した場合、弓道に興味がある人、もしくは現在弓道をやっている人しか観に来る事はないと思い、スタート時より自分の私財を用いて活動をやっていくものだと考えていました。

ただ、これからもそのスタンスを貫くと作品を世に送り出すスピードは遅く、「弓道の普及活動」というにはあまりにもスピード感が無い様に感じました。 そのため、とても単純ではありますが、弓道の写真の展示や普及活動の為に使える資金を得る事が出来れば、今まで以上に弓道を知ってもらえる機会が増えると考えました。


世界中、どの国に行っても弓道場があるくらい弓道が広まるのが私の夢の一つでもあります。その為には私が住んでいる日本はもちろん、海外でも弓道の写真を展示していく必要があります。 もしそんな私の活動を手助けして下さる方、写真を気に入って頂けた方、いらっしゃいましたら嬉しいです。

写真は通常の写真用紙ではなく日本伝統の和紙に印刷してあります。 写真用紙に比べて表面に繊維の凹凸があったり紙自体も薄いため、最初は写真の印刷には適していないと思いました。 ただ、植物の繊維感がとても美しく、プリントが完成したら必ず弓道とマッチした風合いになると思い、試行錯誤を繰り返しました。和紙への印刷は非常に難易度が高く、納得がいく状態になるまでまでに何度もプリントを行いました。 その結果、現在はとても美しいプリントを完成する事ができました。





Many people have recently asked me why I started selling my photographs, so I would like to explain here.

I have been promoting Kyudo through photography. This is a lifelong endeavor for me.

All of my previous exhibitions had free entry, and I have been covering the production costs and other expenses out of my own pocket.

I believed that if I were to hold a Kyudo photo exhibition and charge an entry fee. only those who are already interested in Kyudo or who are currently practicing it would come to see my work. Therefore, from the start, I intended to use my own funds for these activities.

If I continue to stick to this stance of self funded exhibitions, the speed at which I can bring my works to the public would be slow, making it difficult to call it a “promotional activity for Kyudo.”

Therefore, although it is quite simple, I thought that if I could obtain funds that could be used for Kyudo photo exhibitions and promotional activities, it would increase the opportunities for more people to learn about Kyudo.

That is the reason behind the sale of my work.

One of my dreams is for Kyudo to be so widespread that there are dojos in every country around the world. To achieve this, I need to exhibit Kyudo photographs not only in Japan, where I live, but also overseas too.

If there are people who would like to support my activities or who like my photos, it would make me very happy.

The photographs are printed on traditional Japanese Washi paper “和紙”instead of regular photo paper. Initially, I thought washi may not suitable for photo printing because of the surface’s fibrous texture and the paper’s thinness compared to photo paper.

I found the the texture of plant fibers in washi very beautiful, and I was convinced that the prints would match well with Kyudo, so I persevered through trial and error.

Printing on Washi is very difficult, and I had to print many times until I was satisfied with the result. It took quite a while however, I have now achieved very beautiful prints.Each print with each sheet of washi is unique and madeby hand.

This is why the pricing is set as it is.

We ship internationally, so please check our website.

I hope that a more enjoyable era for Kyudo will come.

Here is the link to the sales site.